Building Inspections & Permits
The City of Oneonta City utilizes the 2015 edition of the International Building Codes®. All codes, Building Codes, Residential Codes, Plumbing Codes, Electrical Codes and Mechanical Codes, all reference one another so no inspector should contradict the other inspector.
However, it is most important that you do your part. Before you remodel, build or draw plans, ask questions. Inspectors will be happy to assist you in determining the functionality of your plans. To help you, the 2015 edition of the International Codes are online. Click here for link.
Once you have determined your ambition, two complete sets of construction plans must be submitted to be reviewed by the Building Inspector and the Fire Marshal before work is performed. Once reviewed and approved, construction or remodeling may begin.
As a reminder, once an inspection has been completed and a certificate of occupancy has been granted, it is the property owner/occupant’s responsibility to make sure that the building, services and arrangements that were in place to achieve the certificate of occupancy remain in place and operational annually.
For more information on the 2015 Building Codes, contact the Oneonta Chief Building Inspector at 205-813-7191 or email